Beware: Facebook, Twitter and Snapchat Can Harm Your Auto Accident Case

When you’ve been in an auto accident in California because of someone else’s negligence, it’s natural to want to vent to your friends and family. Between Facebook, Twitter, and Snapchat, you have a whole lot of mediums to vent through.

Social media is a way to surround yourself with people who are important to you very quickly so that you can let off steam and get moral support. However, before you post about your accident, you have to consider how unloading on such a public platform might harm your personal injury case.

How Much Can You Say on Social Media About Your Accident?

When you post things that happen to you in a lot of detail on social media, you may think that only your friends can see what you say, but most of what you post on social media can be discovered by people who are not actually linked to you.

Remember that your goal after an auto accident that was caused by someone else is to be compensated for your injuries. Whenever you post details about your case or your personal life on Facebook, Twitter or Snapchat, you may end up in bigger disputes with the insurance company, or you may lose your claim altogether. The safest approach is to not post about your accident on social media at all.

Ways That Social Media Posts Can Harm Your Case

While you can limit public access to your social media accounts, it is still possible that the attorney for the person you are bringing to court may be able to gain access to your Twitter, Facebook or Instagram accounts. Assume that anything you say may be discovered by anyone who tries hard enough to find it.

Examples of posts that could be used against you include:

  • Casual statements that you make on social media may be interpreted to mean you are admitting that you were at least partly at fault.
  • Any posts that show you actively involved in activities can be used to demonstrate that you are not as badly injured as you are claiming.
  • Joking around about your accident, or even appearing very relaxed and happy can be used to imply that you did not suffer any emotional distress from your accident.
  • Information you share about your injuries and your emotional state are no longer confidential if you make them public on social media.

What About What Your Friends Post?

Friends and family members should be cautioned to not post information about your accident. They should also be asked to avoid posting about your activities or tag you in any pictures.

Be especially careful about accepting friend requests from people you don’t know, at least until your personal injury case has been resolved. Insurance adjusters may create a fake profile and try to friend you.

You’re Probably Being Watched

Keep in mind that the insurance company is trying to find a reason not to pay you. They will find out what they can about you, and if they can find anything damaging, they will use it.

Posts that are not directly about the accident but that can be interpreted to damage your character can also be used against you, such as drinking too much, bad-mouthing the insurance company or the other driver or discussing other lawsuits you have been involved in. Your best bet is to stay off social media altogether until your case is settled.

Talk to an Expert Personal Injury Lawyer

When you have been injured in an auto accident, you need an expert personal injury lawyer on your side. Contact Megeredchian Law using the form on this page and one of our lawyers will get back to you promptly.

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