Constant Headaches After a Car Accident

Being involved in a car accident is a traumatic experience; and, between the stress involved and the time you spend in the California sun collecting insurance information and waiting for the police to complete their investigation, it may seem only natural to go home with a headache at the end of the day. But, what does it mean if your headache doesn’t go away?

Constant and recurring headaches are common complaints after all types of car accidents. Whether you were sideswiped, rear-ended, or hit head-on, if you find that you are now dealing with headaches on a daily basis, you are not alone. However, this does not mean that you should simply ignore your condition. To the contrary, constant headaches after a car accident are often indicative of the need for medical treatment.

Why Do I Have Constant Headaches After My Car Accident?

For most car accident victims, constant headaches are a sign of whiplash, a concussion, or some other form of traumatic brain injury (TBI). These headaches can begin immediately or onset after days or weeks, and they can last anywhere from hours to days at a time. Although individual diagnoses vary, most people who experience constant or recurring headaches after a car accident are suffering from:

  • Post-Traumatic Headaches – As their name implies, post-traumatic headaches result from severe traumatic events that cause lasting damage to the body—most-commonly the head, neck, or spine. This damage can either result from a direct blow to the brain (such as hitting your head on the steering wheel during a car accident) or from sudden and violent movement of the neck and head (as in the case of whiplash).
  • PostConcussive Headaches – Post-concussive headaches come after the brain begins to heal from a concussion, and they may or may not be accompanied by other symptoms of post-concussive syndrome. Post-concussive headaches are more likely than post-traumatic headaches to be migraines, and accident victims may experience nausea, light and sound sensitivity, and difficulty concentrating along with general pain.
  • Muscle-Contraction or Spasm Headaches – Muscle strains and nerve damage in the head, neck and upper back can cause tenderness, swelling, painful movement, and loss of function, but they can also cause headaches. Muscle-contraction or spasm headaches (also known as tension headaches) can seem to recur randomly after a car accident, and many people will have “trigger points” at the site of the muscle or nerve damage where applying pressure can cause a headache as well.

Am I Entitled to Financial Compensation for My Constant Headaches?

If you are experiencing constant headaches after a car accident, it is important that you see a doctor promptly. If you didn’t go to the emergency room immediately after the accident that’s okay – as we said, these headaches do not always onset immediately – but now that you are experiencing symptoms you should seek treatment as soon as possible. Not only will this be important to your health, but it will also be important to your financial recovery.

Like all types of accident-related injuries, if you are suffering from constant headaches due to an accident that was someone else’s fault, you may be entitled to financial compensation. This includes compensation for your medical bills, physical pain and suffering, loss of income, and other financial and non-financial losses. For more tips on what to do in order to ensure that you have the best chance to recover maximum compensation, you can read our step-by-step guide, How to File a Claim.

Speak with a Car Accident Lawyer for Free

With offices in Glendale, our personal injury attorneys provide experienced legal representation for car accident victims throughout Southern California. To discuss your legal rights in a free and confidential consultation, call us at 866-645-0453 or request an appointment online today.

META: What do you need to know if are experiencing constant headaches after a car accident? Find out from an experienced Glendale personal injury attorney. Call 866-645-0453.

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