Pedestrian Hazards In California

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There are several different hazards in California that could pose potential problems to pedestrians walking on streets and intersections. Pedestrian accidents are very severe, especially because a pedestrian could suffer severe injuries, even death, in the event that a car collided with the pedestrian. Although there are several pedestrian laws in place that protect crosswalks, pedestrian accidents are still at an all-time high in Los Angeles.

If you have been involved in a pedestrian accident, it is important to remember that there are only a certain number of attorneys that have the experience and qualifications to represent  victims involved in a pedestrian accident. Our pedestrian accident attorneys have had decades of experience representing victims who have been involved in a pedestrian accident.

A pedestrian accident can lead to a variety of injuries, including:

  • Broken bones
  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Cuts and bruises
  • Spinal cord injury
  • Head injury
  • Arm injury
  • Permanent disability
  • Paralysis
  • Scarring
  • Disfigurement
  • Death

There are several different hazards in the city of Los Angeles that could increase the risk of being involved in a car accident. Nowadays, with the increase in traffic and the number of vehicles on the road, there are several different distractions and hazards that may increase your chances of being involved in an accident. An accident could leave victims physically injured, and have to deal with treatments for months, even years.  Some examples of hazards include:

  • Other drivers on the road: there could be other distracted drivers on the road, which could increase your chances of being involved in an accident. The other drivers on the road may not be paying attention, and may be texting or changing the radio station, which then decreases their visibility for other vehicles or pedestrians on the road.
  • Other vehicles on the road: with the increase in traffic these last couple months as many employees return back to work and school after covid-19, the high traffic volume could make it difficult for many vehicles and pedestrians to drive through the roads.
  • Inexperienced drivers: there may be other drivers on the road that are not necessarily from Los Angeles, and may not know all the rules of the road. This could make it especially difficult for other vehicles surrounding the driver. Our attorneys recommend that prior to visiting any city, you look at the map to get a general idea on nearby roads and freeways.
  • Infrastructure: with the recent winter rains, there have been several poorly maintained roads all across the city of Los Angeles. For example, there could be potholes in the road, which could be dangerous for vehicles that may try to drive onto the pothole. There could also be cracks in the sidewalk, increasing the likelihood of a pedestrian to get involved in an accident.
  • No crosswalks: the city of Los Angeles is known to have several pedestrians Crossing roads each day, but there is a lack of safely marked crosswalks. Some crosswalks may also have faded paint, which makes it difficult for both pedestrians and other drivers to determine exactly where the crosswalk begins and ends.
  • Aggressive drivers: unfortunately, aggressive driving is very common in the city of Los Angeles. Some examples of aggressive driving include speeding, driving while distracted, failing to stop at a red light or a stop sign, or failing to yield to pedestrians who are waiting to cross the street.

What Is Vision Zero?

With so many hazards in the city of Los Angeles, there has been a push from local government to decrease the number of car accidents and pedestrian accidents. Initially, Vision Zero was an initiative that started in Sweden in the 1990s. Several cities all across the world are now trying to incorporate several key initiatives that this project has into their very own local government.  One of the most notable goals from the project is to eliminate all car accident fatalities in 2 years. However, in order for this project to work, there are several different organizations that must have to work together to make sure that this initiative meets at school.

There is a new initiative called Vision Zero, which is meant to decrease the number of accidents, and increase safety precautions on the road. Vision Zero is a project that has very high expectations that should be met by 2025. Some projects that Vision Zero includes are:

  • Increasing police officers to enforce traffic laws
  • Clearly marking crosswalks
  • Reducing speed limits in certain locations of high traffic
  • Making sure that streets are designed with safety in mind
  • Increasing public awareness about distracted driving and the risks
  • Creating clearly marked bike lanes to prevent any bicycle accidents
  • Strengthening the relationship with local police enforcement organizations
  • Improving roads and streets to make sure that there are no uneven surfaces

What sets this project apart from other projects in Los Angeles is the care for all parties on roads and streets. this project does not only take drivers in mind, but also takes into mind other bicyclists, pedestrians, and motorcyclists.

Pedestrian Hazards In Los Angeles

One of the largest concerns for pedestrian hazards in Los Angeles is the visibility of pedestrians. With so many other vehicles, motorcycles, scooters, bicycles, electric bicycles, trees and business signs, a pedestrian’s visibility could increase significantly. This makes it difficult for a driver to see a pedestrian, and to drive properly.

Pedestrian Accident Injuries

Unfortunately, pedestrian hazards in Los Angeles could lead to various different injuries for pedestrians who have been involved in an accident or a collision with a vehicle. in the last year, there were around 250 pedestrian deaths that resulted from a car accident. Some examples of pedestrian-involved accident injuries include:

  • Broken bones: broken bones are very common in pedestrian accidents, and result from abrupt collisions. Fractures could occur in any part of the body, including hips, shoulders, and legs.
  • Back injuries: back injuries are also very common in accidents involving a pedestrian and a vehicle.
  • Head injuries: head injuries could lead to permanent brain damage. Some symptoms that may point to serious injury include a concussion and loss of hearing. After an accident, parties should visit a medical provider for Imaging done to determine if they have suffered any head injuries.
  • Spinal cord injuries: the spinal cord is very important for strength and balance. In the event the spinal cord is damaged from a pedestrian accident, it could result in partial or complete paralysis for the victim.
  • Internal damage: pedestrians could suffer internal bleeding from an accident, which must be treated immediately.

Pedestrians that have been involved in an accident caused by a traffic hazard should get medical attention as soon as possible after the accident. Even if a party believes that they have not suffered any serious injuries, they should still get evaluated by a medical professional.


How To Prevent Pedestrian Hazards In California

Since distracted pedestrians also could play a key role in an accident, our top rated attorneys recommend that pedestrians constantly remain aware of their surroundings at all times. This includes making sure that you refrain from texting while walking. If you are to text, make sure that you are stopped at a safe location. Wearing headphones and listening to music at high volumes could also increase your risk of being involved in a pedestrian accident with another vehicle.

Give our car accident attorneys  (abogados de accidentes) a call today to discuss the different options you may have in order to file a lawsuit against the negligent party. With so many hazards nowadays on the streets of Los Angeles, it could be very difficult to make sure that you are aware of your surroundings at all times. In the event that you or loved one have found yourselves involved in a car accident, we recommend that you speak to our highly qualified lawyers immediately.


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